This Sunday in memory of a dear friend who loved Paris dearly we are visiting the wonderful Eglise Saint Sulpice and the area around it.

The home of many of the greatest writers in French and American history as well as some hidden treasures that make it one of the most beloved areas in Paris.

Hope you can join us to cure the wanderlust and get ideas for your own return to Paris.

Can't attend live, grab a ticket and we will send you the video and notes after.

All participants also receive a write up with details of what we saw and addresses that you can take with you when you return.

Join us Sunday, August 1

8am Pacific, 11am Eastern, 5pm Paris

$14.99 usd per person

purchase ticket below and a link to the live video will be sent to you

Or purchase through Facebook

Can't join live, purchase a ticket and we will send you the video after.

Each attendee will also receive a full list of what we saw and details so you can discover everything on your own when you return to Paris.