The choir of Notre-Dame de Paris, consecrated in 1182, was the most sacred space in the cathedral, reserved exclusively for the clergy. Enclosed by a low wall, it was the site of high mass, the Eucharist, and major liturgical celebrations. At the end of the 13th century and into the early 14th, a monumental stone jubé—a sculpted choir screen—was constructed to further enclose the space and emphasize its sanctity. Rising high above the choir floor, the enclosure created a screen of silence, shielding the sacred rites from the noise of the nave.
The northern side of the enclosure, carved in the 13th century, features vivid scenes from the Gospels, illustrating the Nativity, Christ’s childhood, his public ministry, and his Passion. The southern section, begun in the 14th century by Jean de Chelles, was continued by Jean Ravy and completed in 1351 by his nephew Jean le Bouteiller. These artists, working across generations, created a harmonious Gothic ensemble, though the curved sections of the enclosure no longer survive. The project was largely financed by Canon Pierre de Fayel, nephew of Bishop Simon de Bucy.
The sculptures, originally painted in polychrome stone, were restored around 1860. Though much of the original enclosure was altered during a major redesign of the choir begun in 1699 and continuing through the early 18th century, the surviving elements remain one of the finest examples of Gothic liturgical architecture in France.
We begin on the North side of the choir which originally started with the image of the Annunciation with the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriell. it was removed to widen the entrance of the choir
Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, herself pregnant by John the Baptist Luc 1, 39-56
The Virgin is in blue with gold embroidery and a light veil on her head. Elisabeth in red reaches out to touch Mary. Mary was told by the Gabriel that Elisabeth was also pregenant.
Announcement to the shepherds by an angel of the Nativity of the Messiah. Luke 2:8-14
The Judean mountain around Bethlehem and above an angel in the sky with a banner of “Alleluia”. Two shepherds look up towards the sky and listen “to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord”
The Nativity Luke 2:1-7
“I bring you news of great joy: a Savior has been born unto you” the baby Jesus is placed above Mary’s bed. The elegant scene is far nicer than that of the stable. The draped curtain is often seen in paintings of French royalty. Mary lays under a beautiful blanket with Joseph at her feet while a donkey and ox looks over the baby.
Adoration of the Magi guided by the star Matthew 2:1-11
The three wise men have come to pay their respects before the child sitting on his mother's lap, while Joseph stands behind the Virgin. In art, the kings often represent different stages of life.
The first king, the oldest and wisest, kneels. He places his crown at Mary's feet and offers a cup filled with gold. The next, a mature man, points to the star that guided them. The last, a young man, his hand on his heart, offers his person to Christ. He wears the fleur-de-lis crown of the kings of France.
Massacre of the innocents by order of King Herod Matthew 2:16-18
Herod feared his power of Judea was threatened and ordered the killing of all male children under two in Bethlehem. Herod is depicted with a scepter on the throne watching the massacre in front of him without any emotion. The devil over the shoulder of the king leading to the massacre
Fleeing to Egypt to escape the Massacre of the Innocents Matthieu 2, 13-15
Joseph had a dream that Herod was going to try to kill the baby Jesus and decided to flee to Egypt. Joseph leads Jesus and Mary on a donkey while the mother and son look at each other. On the right as the Holy Family passes, two statuettes that are following are under an arch according to Isaiah’s prophecy. “behold , the false gods of Egypt are tottering before them”
Presentation in the Temple where the high priest Simeon recognizes Jesus as the Savior Luke 2:21-40
Jesus is presented to God as the Law required for every first-born child. Two prophets, Simeon and Anna welcome him and sing to God “My eyes have seen salvation” Simeon, a just and pious man, clothed with the hHoly Spirit, recognizes the long-awaited Savior and welcomes him with veiled hands as a sign of respect. Behind Mary, Anna holds a basket of doves offered as a sacrifice.
Jesus among the teachers in the Temple Luke 2:41-52
At his first pilgrimage at 12 to the Temple. A teacher holds the Old Testament. Although he is depicted as a much younger child. Mary stands behind him
The Baptism of Jesus in the water of the Jordan by John the Baptist
Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22
John the Baptist baptizes Jesus, with the river Jordan up to his hips. In the Eastern tradition, an angel assists Christ and holds his garment. The fathers voice reveals his true identity “this is my beloved son”
Les Noces de Cana Jean 2, 1-11
The table is covered with a golden tablecloth with four figures seated at the table: Jesus & Mary wear halos and another couple which only the man wears a halo. Two jars are placed at the feet of the servant and present the empty jar to Mary. Mary makes a gesture to the servant who has brought a vessel of water to be transformed. The man at the table holds a loaf of bread . Jesus is holding a book of Scripture in his left hand and in his right makes a gesture of the master who speaks and teaches.
The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey Marc 11, 1-11
A few days before the Passion, Jesus on a donkey heads towards Jerusalem followed by his disciples. A man opens a red garment in front as a sign of respect and another in a tree for a better look. Jerusalem is represented by the open door
The Last Supper, Jesus' last meal with his disciples before suffering his Passion
Matthew 26:20-29; Sark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-39; John 13:1-3
The 12 disciples are seated around Christ for the feast of Passover. Jesus gives them the bread and wine that are his body and announces one of them will betray him. Jean, always the beardless one sits next to Jesus, leans in and asks who he is referring to. “He is the one to whom I will give the morsel that I am about to dip” and he gives it to Judas and at that moment Satan enters Judas.
The Washing of the feet Jean, 13, 1-20
Jesus kneels and washes the feet of Peter who holds the scripture that Jesus has entrusted in him and his first vicar in Rome. On the right is a young man in the guise of Jean, holding a smaller book, which could be his gospel since he is later the one that tells of this story.
The sculptor wanted to connect this scene with the Last Supper that both foretell the Passion that Jesus is about to experience
In the Garden of Olives in Gethsemane, Jesus prays to his Father before his arrest while his disciples are asleep. Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-40; Luke 22:39-46
After the Passover meal Jesus and his disciples head to the Garden of Olives. The sculpture has the disciples asleep under the olive tree and Jesus on his knees in prayer to his father.
From here the story of the Passion continued onto the Jubé screen across the wall behind the altar. but was destroyed in the 17th century.
Pierre de Chelles died in 1318 and Jean Ravy continued the project on the south wall. then Jean le Bouteiller, amnitects-sculpture, first half of 14isth century: polychromy, c. 1850
The Risen Christ appears to Mary Magdalene John 20:11-18
At dawn on Easter morning Mary arrives at the tomb and sees a gardener she doesn’t know is Jesus.
Holding a spade, he asks her “Who are you looking for?” Then calls her by name and she recognizes him and discovers he has risen. “Do not hold me back”. The tree behind is full of fruit and evokes Paradise
Christ appears to the Holy Women returning from the empty tomb Luke 24:1-10
According to the Gospel it was the women in the life of Christ that went to find him at the tomb on the second day after his death. Overwhelmed by the news of the resurrection Jesus comes to meet them. Christ holds a white standard topped with a cross of glory, a sign of victory over death and sin. Jean Paul II and Benedict XVI transformed the papal crozier into a glorious cross.
Christ appears to Simon Peter and John Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5
It is two scenes in one. The moment Jesus appears to the men, except Jean who doubted the Resurrection on the right, Pierre has tossed himself at the feet of Jesus crying and regrets his triple denial during the Passion. In the back is the faithful friend, Jean, who had accompanied Jesus to the foot of the cross. On the left, a cave, Jesus speaks with Peter and forgives his sins.
Christ appears to two disciples near Emmaus, but they do not recognize him until the evening when he blesses and breaks the bread Luke 24:13-27
Also a double scene in one. On the left, two disciples meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Cleopas is turned towards Jesus.
On the right as evening has come, Jesus sits at a table and breaks bread, blesses it and breaks and shares it. It is at that moment they recognize him. Jesus explains to them the events that brought them great sadness and it is in their open eyes we see that they listen intently. At the Emmaus Inn where the meal takes place and breaks the bread like in the Eucharist of the Mass.
Christ appears to the Apostles John 20:19-24
On the night of Easter, Jesus with the apostles. This scene tries to depicts the physical reality of Jesus’ resurrection
Christ appears to the Apostles and to Thomas, who, while doubting Christ's Resurrection, recognizes his Lord John 20:24-31
Thomas kneels before Jesus who shows him his wounds and touches the one on his side. On Easter evening when Jesus appeared to the disciples Thomas was absent. The next week Jesus invited Thomas who only believed the news when he saw it and then professed his faith “My Lord and my God”
Christ appears to his apostles on the shores of Lake Tiberias John 21:1-14
Another double work of the reunion of Jesus and his apostles on the edge of Lake Tiberias.(Sea of Galilee) The appearance of Christ; the Apostles achieved a miraculous catch. The fish in the net symbolizes the believers gathered in the Church. Peter who had denied Christ now humbly confesses his love to him. Peter was much taller than the other disciples and close to the same height as Jesus. Jesus entrusts the church to Peter and the first Pope.
Christ appears to his Apostles and disciples in Galilee Matthew 28:7; 28:10; 28:16-20
Jesus finds himself in the midst of the apostles and sends them on a mission. Jesus again holds a book in his hand, since he himself is the Word of God
Last two scenes depict a mission of the eleven apostles gathered around Jesus. Go therefore, from all nations, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And I am with you always, until the end of time. "
Christ appeared to the same people near the Mount of Olives before His Ascension to God the Father Acts of the Apostles 1:1-12
On the right, in the last scene, a table is set for the last shared meal. After this final meal, Jesus disappears. There is no medieval representation of the Ascension at Notre-Dame
Like in the previous scene Jesus holds the book of the Gospels and gives his disciples the mission to spread the word