Jacqueline Marval was a 19th & 20th century artist that followed her own rules. Arriving in Paris in 1895 she would meet and mingle with the biggest artists of her time including Matisse and Picasso. In 1901 she took part in her first Salon where she was noticed by art dealer Ambroise Vollard. Vollard noticed many of the artists very early and was also the art dealer to Gertrude and Leo Stein. Later she would work with dealer Berthe Weill who championed women artists at a time when very few did.


In Paris today you can view the largest collection of her work at the lovely Comité Jacqueline Marvel. Raphael Roux has amassed more than seventy of her paintings, the largest collection in the world. With his wonderful daughter Camille they have taken on the life of Marvel and her legacy to share it with everyone.

Be sure to contact them and check out the amazing gallery at 4 cité Malesherbes in the 9th. Reservations are required but it will be worth every moment

Coming soon we will have an episode of La Vie Creative - Paris History Avec A Hemingway all about Jacqueline Marvel and also an episode on the quiet but amazing life of Berhe Weill.

