Every week I get a few ladies that message me asking for advice about traveling alone to Paris. Of course, going to another country and continent for that matter could be scary, but fear not travelers. Over the last two years we have survived the need to travel is even greater. I am here to tell you if you want to go, GO!

Paris is one of the easiest cities to visit alone and I have done it for years now. It is easy to navigate, safe and there are plenty of things to do. When I am in Paris I spend much of my time researching French history, giving tours, strolling through museums, and spending hours sitting on a terrace enjoying a glass or four of French wine. However, the beauty of Paris is that you can make it all on your own and do anything you want.

My first trip to Paris, was many years ago when a friend used her air miles to get me a ticket, and months later, I arrived to visit the city I loved so much before I ever set foot in it. It was to be a short six-day trip and then onto Florence where my friend lived. After two days, she said to me one hot and muggy day, “I think you should go back to Paris”. The thought of turning around by myself and heading back to Paris at first sounded pretty scary, but after a lovely lunch and lots of wine, it sounded better and better. A ticket was purchased, the hotel secured, and I was back on a plane heading straight to Paris the next day.

Arriving at Orly, luggage in hand, I went off to grab a taxi. Well, so I thought. Following the taxi signs, I was approached by a man asking if I needed a taxi, well how easy can this be, Oui Oui! As we walked towards the cars, we stopped at a motorcycle. With my large luggage in tow, wondering how this was going to happen and picturing myself dying on the way into the city of love, I told myself that I could do this. Strapping my suitcase and myself in and gripping for my life it was onto Paris. If you have been in a car on a Paris highway you will recall seeing the motorcycles zipping in-between cars, well this guy wasn’t any different.

Halfway through the trip, my sweaty hands loosened their grip and before I knew it, we were flying by the Jardin du Luxembourg and Place Saint Michel. I wanted to let go and open my arms and embrace being back in Paris, but let’s not get too crazy. It took under 30 minutes during rush hour to get to my hotel, cost about twice as much as it should have but for the 75 euros I bought a sense of freedom I didn’t even know I had, and that is priceless. I was standing on the Pont des Arts as sunset fell and knew I was exactly where I should be.

When you travel on your own, the whole day and city is open to you. If you want to spend four hours in the Cour Puget of the Musée du Louvre, you can. Perhaps walking aimlessly through the streets on an early Sunday morning stopping along the way at a café for that perfect croissant is more on your agenda, you can do that as well. Your time is yours to do with as you would like, so soak it all in.


There are a few things to keep in mind when you plan that seule voyage. Location and safety are the biggest but don’t let any of that scare you. For myself, I stay fairly central on the left or right bank which is a lovely walk to the museums where I spend a lot of my time. Saint Germain is a bustling area at all hours of the day and late into the evening and walking late into the night is never a problem. As a solo woman traveling, I recommend staying in Saint Germain, the Marais, Opera, and Latin Quarter areas especially if you will be walking at night. I have never had a moment that I did not feel safe walking in Paris, even if it was the wee hours of the morning. Be aware of your surroundings and your belongings at all times and walk with confidence and you won’t have any problems.  

One of the greatest pleasures in Paris is the delicious food, and traveling alone should not stop you from enjoying every single morsel. One of the advantages is that you are able to meet some wonderful people and a restaurant is a perfect place to make some wonderful connections. It is not uncommon to see many people eating alone day and night reading a book or channeling their inner Hemingway and writing away. Lunch is a great way to enjoy some of the best restaurants in Paris and save a little money as well. Inside the café may be a bit intimidating and if that’s the case, grab one of the iconic Paris café chairs on the terrace and as a bonus, it comes complete with a live show as people pass by you. The Parisian terrace is the solo traveler’s best friend and the close seats can lead to wonderful conversations.

There is nothing stopping you as the solo female traveler in Paris, however, if you have a day when you want to meet other people there are some great ways to do it. A walking tour is a fantastic option to connect with fellow travelers. There are many offered all over Paris and can be found online, and simply pick a theme that interests you and join in the fun. You will spend a few hours with people that share the same curiosities as you and many including my own ends with a drink at a café where you can really connect with others over a glass of Champagne. Speaking of wine, another great place is at many of the local wine bars. A more relaxed and fun environment than the terrace cafes, the standup wine bars turn into a party later in the night, and its impossible not to have a great time. The Odeon treasure by Yves Camdeborde, L’Avant Comptoir de la Terre where any given night can turn into an Elton John sing a long while you dine on Brochette Foie Gras Piquillos and the Champagne never stops flowing. You are all friends by the end of that night.

If you want to go to enjoy all the beauty that is Paris, I hope you take all this as your permission to go do just that. Paris will feed your soul and mine finally came alive that first night I arrived by myself. Nothing should keep you from sitting in one of those green Luxembourg chairs, a great book in your hand as the hours tick away under the shade of the trees around the Fontaine Médicis. After all, we only live once and these moments should not be missed. Now when I think back to that motorcycle taxi ride from Orly and how scared I was at that moment and where it lead me to today as my arms are wrapped around a Frenchman and on the back of a motorcycle with a bottle of Champagne in my bag as we race to Champs de Mars. Well, I would not change a single thing.

If you are looking to travel solo to Paris and have any questions, feel free to reach out. Happy to inspire and push you to take the leap, you won’t regret it.

I specialize in planning trips to Paris for travelers that want to visit the city of their dreams. If it's there first visit or their tenth there are always new things to uncover. I can help set you up in preferred hotels or spot the best apartments on AirBnB and arm you with all the best tips and tricks to maximize every moment you have in Paris.

Things are changing everyday when it comes to travel and what is needed can be overwhelming as well as always finding incorrect information. I keep fully updated everyday and can take all the worry away while you just worry about how to pack all the shoes.

Contact me today and we will set up a call to plan your perfect visit to Paris. I can't wait to help you!

And if you will be there this fall, join me for a live tour and let me bring all these places to life for you. Including Hemingway the Paris years with moi, food and wine tour of Saint Germain, architecture of the Louvre and so many more let me know. Spaces are already filling up and I can’t wait to see you in Paris. Many different tours available and can also create one just for you.
