Any morning that I go to the Musée du Louvre, which is many of them, it always starts with a petit dejeuner at Le Nemours. Sitting in the Place Colette just outside the Palais Royal with its view of the Comédie Francaise it may be one of the most photographed terraces in all of Paris. Angelina Jolie filmed a scene from the Tourist there, accidentally sitting in that spot was something I learned to never do again. The mornings are filled with locals having their café and catching up with the latest news in Le Monde. By lunchtime all the way through the day it becomes the hotspot of tourists, photography sessions, workers of the Louvre and apero in the sunny afternoon.

I always feel a bit like Snow White when the birds descend on me looking for a croissant crumb or to steal a chip in the afternoon. If you walk by in the later afternoon and see an open seat, snatch it as fast as you can. Especially on a beautiful day, they are a hot commodity in Paris.

Don’t miss Jean Michel Othoniel’s Kiosque des Noctambules, one of the most beautiful metro entrances in Paris. Installed for the new millennium in 2000 and constructed of six columns and two separate “domes” that are each topped with a glass figure. Its two separate themed arches, the cool tones of blue, purple, yellow and clear meaning night and the warm colors red, yellow and clear signifying the day.

A little clue to the one time life of nearby Palais Royale long before.

2 Place Colette 1e

Have a photo of the famous Le Nemours or Place Colette, please
