Starting today and all through Christmas I am going to share with you some of my favourite books, restaurants, art and people inspired by Paris. I have a long list ready to go and can’t wait to share all of these wonderful things with you.

Kicking off the first day of December I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the premier of my podcast partner and wonderful friend Krystal Kenney’s brand new, hot off the presses book released today! Paris, A Life Less Ordinary: A Memoir is a wonderful book, not just for lovers of Paris but for anyone looking for some inspiration in this nutty time. I was lucky enough to read a sneak peek of the book and I absolutely loved it. Krystal has a wonderful way of telling her story mixed with light hearted and funny moments as well as the harder trials of moving to another country.

The Kindle version is available today and the paperback is coming soon. Grab a copy today and sit back and read every single fantastic word.
