Molly Wilkinson decided to leave Texas and head to Paris to go to culinary school in 2013. Enrolling in Le Cordon Bleu just like another American, Julia Child did many years before. A return to Texas but the never ending pull to Paris had her on a plane and heading back to the city of pastries.

Sharing the love of pastries in an engaging and adorable way she gave classes around France and in her Versailles apartment until the pandemic hit. With a perfect pivot she brought all her wonderful classes straight into your kitchen anywhere in the world. Every month Molly gives lessons in sweets like Macarons and Bûche de Nöel and savory wonders like soupe a l’gonion.

Out now is her list of classes for January that include Gallette des Rois, just in time for the Epiphany and even a Croquembouche with all it’s wonderful choux puffs and pasty cream. Check out all her classes at, perfect gift for your pastry loving friend.

And coming soon a Molly cookbook! Can’t wait to get my hands on that one.

check out all her upcoming classes before they sell out.

