Another wonderful person I have met through social media is Francophile Kim Godby. As a flight attendant for Delta, she is lucky enough to return to Paris multiple times a month. On her trips she scourers the flea markets for treasures to share with everyone in her lovely boutique My French Brocante located in Noblesville, Indiana.


Kim and I met through social media and my many stories of Paris giving her a moment back in her beloved city with each post. One day on Facebook she posted a photo of a croissant ornament painted blue, white and red with a touch of sparkle and I about died. Next thing I knew the ornament arrived at my door and now stays out all year long.


Kim’s shop is filled with vintage hard to find items for your kitchen, dining table and walls as well as everything for your home you never knew you needed. With a sharp eye and a lover of the stories and history of each piece she creates a collection perfect for any Paris lovers home.

Check out my website for links to her Facebook and Instagram where you can see her beautiful items and even order them.
